Saturday, April 11, 2009

Take me out to the ball game

Last night, I had bought tickets to go to the Arizona Diamondback National League baseball game at Chase Stadium which is within a five minute walk from out apartment. The evening turned out to be lots of fun.
The infield at Chase Field

These games are very much a family event with lots of kids in attendance with their parents and grand parents and tons of devoted fans of both the Diamondback and Dodger were wearing t-shirts, hats an other paraphernalia. We were both surprised at how many fans rooted for the Dodgers but it was explained to us that the Diamondbacks are a relatively new team and that many of the old Phoenix baseball fans have been Dodgers fans from way back. Also, Los Angeles is not that far away from Phoenix and this being the long Easter weekend, some die hard LA fans had probably travelled here for these weekend games.
Lots of people around us

During the game, the crowd around us was pleasing, everybody seemed to have had a great time. We spoke to some very nice people around us including a bunch of folks behind us with family roots in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Diamondback roster
There were in excess of 31,000 fans in this beautiful roof-retracting building which has a capacity of over 48,000 seats. Since it had been warm during the day, the roof remained closed during the game to maintain the cool air conditioned environment. It was supposed to be opened after the game to a display of fire works from the roof rim, but because of high winds in the area, the fire works show had to be postponed to another night.
Flag waiving fan shown on the giant screen
The Arizona Diamondbacks played against the Los Angeles Dodgers and won the game 9 to 4 and the evening turned out to be a very enjoyable and memorable experience for both of us.
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Ever since I was a little boy watching a TV program called "Route 66", I have dreamed of driving to California. Well, this year is our 40th wedding anniversary so Rosella and I decided that we would take a 14 week road trip to California to commemorate this important milestone in our life together. We leave on Feb 8th and will take until Feb 26th to get to San Francisco via Portland Maine, Buffalo New York, Indianapolis Indiana, Marionville Missouri, Amarillo Texas, Albuquerque and Santa Fe New Mexico, Denver Colorado, Salt Lake City Utah, and Reno Nevada. In San Francisco we have a condo rented for a week. We then spend a week in Los Angeles, a week in Las Vegas followed by a month stay in Phoenix Arizona. We then head to San Diego for a week before working our way back to Chicago for a week, then on to Washington DC with the Obama's for a week followed by our return home in mid-May via Amish country in Pennsylvania.