Saturday, February 7, 2009

BON VOYAGE !!!!!!!

Last night, Friday February 6th, our neighbour and very good friend Line Godbout invited Rosella and I for supper with a group of friends. Well it turned out to be a surprise going away gathering for Rosella and I.

The theme of course was The USA and Line our host, gave us a copy of President Obama's book, "Dreams from my Father" and a copy of People magazine's special Innauguration issue featuring the President and his family. Jean Loup and Stella had prepared a hand made card wishing us Bon Voyage with a message inside from Obama himself welcoming us to the US. André and Linda brought us a bottle of California wine and Jacqueline gave us a bottle of Southern Comfort to keep us warm on the Northern part of the trip.
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  1. Looks like you had a good time with your neighbours.

    Good Luck, have a safe trip and say hellow to the Obamas for us.

    See you in May.

  2. Looks like you had a good time with your neighbours.

    Have a safe trip, say hello to the Obamas for us and will see you in May.

  3. Quel beau voyage organisé !

    Il reste seulement un dodo..on a l'impression de qu'on va faire le voyage ensemble avec ce blog,mais rassure-toi Francis, je vais rester au Grand Barachois..ha ! Bon Voyage et que tout soit à la hauteur de vos espérances !(même la visite avec Obama) Jeanne & Roger xx



About Me

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Ever since I was a little boy watching a TV program called "Route 66", I have dreamed of driving to California. Well, this year is our 40th wedding anniversary so Rosella and I decided that we would take a 14 week road trip to California to commemorate this important milestone in our life together. We leave on Feb 8th and will take until Feb 26th to get to San Francisco via Portland Maine, Buffalo New York, Indianapolis Indiana, Marionville Missouri, Amarillo Texas, Albuquerque and Santa Fe New Mexico, Denver Colorado, Salt Lake City Utah, and Reno Nevada. In San Francisco we have a condo rented for a week. We then spend a week in Los Angeles, a week in Las Vegas followed by a month stay in Phoenix Arizona. We then head to San Diego for a week before working our way back to Chicago for a week, then on to Washington DC with the Obama's for a week followed by our return home in mid-May via Amish country in Pennsylvania.